Why should you trust dental clinic Impression Dent?
We, at the IMPRESSION DENT clinic, try to always be informed in detail about all novelties in dental medicine and treatment. In our work, we focus on research, as a key factor for the quality of treatment procedures.
With us, you will get the highly accurate results when conducting research. A focus in research in general in our practice is that research that establishes the cause of periodontal disease. It is performed thanks to a genetic evaluation test.
Why do genetic testing and what are its real benefits for you?
It proves the cause of the disease
Provides personalized treatment options
Monitors the effectiveness of therapy
It gives you information that you are suffering from a disease that is preventable and treatable
Provides information about your genotype.
It is useful not only for the specific moment, but also provides an opportunity for changes in the positive development of your lifestyle.
Why choose a genetic test and who is it suitable for?
With a family history going back in time
With symptoms of periodontitis or with chronic periodontitis
If you are about to undergo orthodontic treatment
Before placing a dental implant
Compromised immune system - rheumatoid arthritis
For patients at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
Diabetes type 1 and 2
If you are a smoker
Why trust dental clinic Impression Dent?
As a result of periodontitis, there is a risk of losing teeth about three times more often compared to other causes.
There is a risk that you will reject dental implants significantly more often; In smokers, the risk of the clarifications increases up to eight times.
The periodontal disease assessment test is a DNA test that detects the presence of the five most common bacterial causes of periodontitis, namely:
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Аа), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Tannerella forsythensis (Tf), Treponema denticola (Td), Prevotella intermedia (Pi).
Our partner
The tests at the IMPRESSION DENT clinic are conducted in partnership with the Genika laboratory, which has 20 years of experience in genetic testing in Bulgaria.
In addition to the test, the patient also receives information about his genetic predisposition to the development of periodontitis.